Swami Vivekananda - The Thinker
Sudhish Chandra Banerjee
Citation :Sudhish Chandra Banerjee, Swami Vivekananda - The Thinker International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(3) : 1-14
Swami Vivekananda's depth of thought on varied topics and wisdom on truth- seeking spirituality, impressed alike the intellectuals, scientists, scholars or common folks, whosoever met him, in both India and abroad. Swamiji's thoughts being beyond our comprehension, certain piecemeal ones are elucidated.
Some of his original ideas included:
1. India's welfare lay in educating the masses with renaissance of its lost spirituality eliminating deceptive dogmas on caste prejudices (don't-touchisms).
2. Divinity is innate in all which can be perceived practising the Yogas.
3. Self-less work for others elevates the spirituality of the giver; though no progress is made with corresponding digression elsewhere.
4. Narrated the features on alternate rule of intellect (Brahmin), military (Ksatriya), commerce (Vaisya) & labour (Sudras)- reigning since ages.
He Forecasted:
5. Next upheaval of Sudra rule to come from Russia & China - proved true.
6. Advised Indians fifty years before its independence (1897), to worship 'Mother India', as their only God for next 50 years.
7. Attack of India from China apprehended after the British leaving India- proved true.
8. That Europe was sitting on a volcano - proved true with two world wars that followed.