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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 27-34

Women Empowerment in Architectural Research in Tanzania

Huba Nguluma,1,Isabela Mtani2*

1.Graduated as an Architect, Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Human Settlements Studies at Ardhi University, P.O Box 35124, Dar es Salaam.
2.Graduated as Architect and Research Fellow, P.O Box 35124, Dar es Salaam.

Citation : Huba Nguluma,Isabela Mtani, Women Empowerment in Architectural Research in Tanzania International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018,5(2) : 27-34


This paper examines development of architecture profession worldwide and in Tanzania. It highlights the relationship between research and architecture with main concern on the role of research in the field of architecture and the essence of carrying out architectural research. The challenges faced by female architects in conducting research in the field of architecture are highlighted. The paper concludes by giving the alternative ways of tackling those challenges; and encourage more architects to develop their research skills and suggest that research must come to underpin practice and that a strengthened research culture will extend the area of influence of architects within the community. One of the key recommendations given in this paper is that, Architects need to appreciate that research is important in their field and they should endeavor to participate in carrying out research. Given the nature of their training there is a need to adopt a proactive attitude towards research. Women architects should also strive to work even harder in research and practice despite their productive and reproductive roles.

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