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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 17-26

A Comparative Analysis on the Psychological Wellbeing of Adolescents with Parents in the Diaspora and those with Parents in the Home Country: A Case Study of Adolescents at Nemakonde High School, Mashonaland West Region, Zimbabwe

Pamela Chakombera1*,Augustine K.Mubika2

1.Midlands State University BSc Psychology Honours graduate, Zimbabwe.
2.Senior Lecturer: Zimbabwe Open University: Faculty of Arts and Education, Zimbabwe.

Citation : Pamela Chakombera,Augustine K.Mubika, A Comparative Analysis on the Psychological Wellbeing of Adolescents with Parents in the Diaspora and those with Parents in the Home Country: A Case Study of Adolescents at Nemakonde High School, Mashonaland West Region, Zimbabwe International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018,5(2) : 17-26


The absence of parents as a cause of migration has had negative implications on the psychological wellbeing of the adolescents left behind. This study sought to find if there are any significant differences in the psychological wellbeing for adolescents with parents in the diaspora and adolescents with parents in the home country. The study adopted the quantitative research paradigm, and used the descriptive survey design. Quantitative paradigm is considered efficient and can test hypothesis thus the researchers found it suitable as it suits the objectives of the study. The research drew a sample of 202 participants of which 50%(101) had parents in the diaspora and another 50%(101) had parents in the home country. Both the stratified random sampling and the random sampling techniques were used. Data were analysed using both inferential and descriptive statistics. These were used to analyse the data and present findings. The findings of the research suggest that there are significant differences in the psychological well-being of adolescents with parents the diaspora and those with parents with in the home country. The descriptive survey design was chosen because it provides frequencies and distributions of experiences in a manner that readers can easily comprehend. There is need for more research studies as there is a dearth in the literature regarding migration and generally, left behind families in Zimbabwe.

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