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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 88-97

School Safety Issues in Northern Ghana: A Way Forward

Anthony Kudjo Donkor

Faculty of Education, University for Development Studies, P. O. Box TL 1350, Tamale Campus - Ghana.

Citation : Anthony Kudjo Donkor, School Safety Issues in Northern Ghana: A Way Forward International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018,5(2) : 88-97


The paper hopes to lay bare the deplorable conditions under which pupils study in northern Ghana, as well as to draw the attention of policy makers and educational agencies on the need to provide safe environments for basic schools. The instruments for data collection were one-on-one interviews, focus group interviews and observation. Participants of the study include teachers, head teachers and educational personnel from the ministries. The teachers formed 5 focus groups of 10 members each. Ten (10) basic school leaders or administrators were interviewed individually. Two (2) respondents from the Ministry of Education and two (2) respondents from the Ghana Education Service were also interviewed individually. In all 64 participants took part in the study. The study revealed that Ghana did not have well-defined school safety policies for basic schools. In addition, the study confirmed the inadequate attention that policy makers in developing countries give to school safety. The bottom line is that basic schools where the bulk of the country's younger generations occupy should be provided with safe environments in order to enhance teaching and learning or better academic performance of students. The study will benefit students, teachers, parents, communities and the society as a whole.

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