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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 12, 2018, Page No: 69-77

Influence of Parenting Styles on Career Development of Youths with Intellectual Disabilities in Selected Skills Training Institutions in Zambia

Mathatha Viola1*, Ndhlovu Daniel1


Citation : Mathatha Viola, Ndhlovu Daniel, Influence of Parenting Styles on Career Development of Youths with Intellectual Disabilities in Selected Skills Training Institutions in Zambia International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(12) : 69-77


This paper discusses the influence of parenting styles on career development of youths with intellectual disabilities (IDs) in selected skills training institutions in Zambia. The phenomenological study was carried out in Kabwe, Chisamba and Ndola districts of Central and Copperbelt Provinces respectively. Purposive sampling was to select a sample of 60 respondents: parents of youths with IDs (30), youths with IDs (15) and lecturers of youths with IDs (15).Semi-structured interviews, observations and Focus Group Discussions were used to collect data. Data analysis was done thematically. The study established authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved as types of parenting styles. The study revealed that factors such as education, occupation, SES, background, affect parenting styles. The study demonstrated that parenting styles influence career development of youths with IDs through; engaging children in family chores, interactions, support, attachment and warmth. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the government through the Ministry of Education should sensitize parents of children with IDs on the different parenting styles and their effects on their children's career development.

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