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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 12, 2018, Page No: 62-68

The Role of Jerusalem in the Revolutions against the British Occupation and the Zionists (1920-1929 AD)

Dr.Zakaria Ibrahim Al-Senwar

Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, The Islamic University of Gaza

Citation :Dr.Zakaria Ibrahim Al-Senwar, The Role of Jerusalem in the Revolutions against the British Occupation and the Zionists (1920-1929 AD) International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(12) : 62-68


The British army occupied Jerusalem in 1917, and the Arabs thought that Britain was a friendly country, you will give them their rights, after you deceived Sharif Hussein, and launched the Great Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire, the facts on the ground were otherwise, and the British bias of the Zionist movement turned out to be revolutionary.

Jerusalem had a prominent role in the revolution of the Prophet Moses shrine, which erupted in 1920, and it was a revolution, in 1921Arabs rejected the British politician's anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, On November 2, 1921. Arab rebels clashed with the Jews in Jerusalem, and the British bias appeared in dealing with the two parties.

The religious dimension had a clear role in the Al-Buraq revolution, which broke out in 1929, after years of provocation of Jews to Muslims in Jerusalem and the chanting of slogans offensive to Islam and Prophet Mohammed, and it claims Jewish ownership of the wall of Al-Buraq, extended the revolution of Al-Buraq days and the back of the British alignment Zionists also.

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