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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 12, 2018, Page No: 28-40

Parents of Children with Disabililties in Swaziland Challenges and Resources in a Resilience Perspective

Anne Namakando-Phiri* , Mubiana Macwangi, John Mwitumwa Matakala, Ivy Nawa Akabondo

Department of Gender Studies, University of Zambia, Lusaka; Zambia.

Citation :Anne Namakando-Phiri,, Gendered Phenomenological Perceptions of Parents and Learners on Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Military Aided Schools of Eastern, ZambiaInternational Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(12) :41-50.


This study was aimed at exploring and understanding the gendered phenomenological perceptions of parents and learners on comprehensive sexuality education in military aided schools of eastern, Zambia.

The motivation behind this study is to understand the views on the implementation impact of comprehensive sexuality education based on gendered views of learners and parents. In order to understand the experiences, the study made use of a qualitative inquiry grounded in existential phenomenology.

Purposive Sampling using Snow ball sampling was used to come up with the desired sample size of 20 and the resultant data that were collected. Data collection was achieved by use of in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using phenomenological analysis in order to transcribe the bulk data into themes and sub themes. The findings were categorized in line with the objectives of the study which where (a) Nature of Sexual Harassment (b) Coping mechanisms in the face of Sexual Harassment and (c) Regulatory measurers put in place to curb Sexual Harassment.

The findings of the study on the nature of sexual harassment using in - depth interviews show that female and male soldiers of the junior ranks experience Sexual Harassment as opposed to the senior ones. Further, revealed is that the nature of Sexual Harassment experienced mostly is verbal Sexual Harassment which is dominant and manifesting itself in form of unwanted gendered comments. Nonverbal sexual harassment through unwanted actions was a further experience for the females. It was further found out that the junior soldiers experienced these vices at platoon level from corporals and sergeants.

The findings of the study on coping of soldiers in the face of sexual harassment revealed that sexualharassment was common. Furthermore, although there was only one standard way of reporting problems to relevant authorities, the issue of sexual harassment was not taken seriously. Further findings, indicate that the junior soldiers practiced coping mechanisms which are problem fixing, where they befriend a senior officer for protection and problem sharing were they shared with a friend to lighten the stress.

The findings on regulatory measures put in place to curb sexual harassment show that there is no written instruction in the Army and indeed the United Nations hence making it difficult for soldiers to be protected.

The gendered work output may go down if the issue remains unchecked leading to low morale. It is against this background that in order to improve the situation a number of recommendations have been put forward for consideration by the Army Education Directorate and Ministry of General Education.

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