Argumentation (Jadal): An Inevitable Method of Expression in the Quran: Purpose and Aims
Muhammad Kamal-Deen Bello
Citation : Muhammad Kamal-Deen Bello, Argumentation (Jadal): An Inevitable Method of Expression in the Quran: Purpose and Aims International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(12) : 107-120.
Jadal or Jidal or Muhajjah (argumentation) is a controversial issue that different writers, both Muslims and non-Muslims among them have divergent opinions upon. To some writers, argument (Jadal) is permissible in Islam, to some; it is prohibited that a true Muslim must not embark on. With this submission, some are seen to be liberal, while some are seen to be extremists, because, they went to say that the whole Quran is being dominated by the argumentative methods of expression and rational reasons. Whatever may be the case, the holy Quran embarks on argumentation as a style of expression in propagating the teachings of its religion. Hence, the Quranic argumentative method is not for joke, play and fun, but rather, it has significant purposes and aims that it sets aside to be achieved that this paper aims at highlighting it for discussion in due course.