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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 11, 2018, Page No: 16-31

The Dynamics of Ethnic Identity Politics in Kenya's Political Landscape

Dr.Anthony Ichuloi Ph.D

Lecturer, Kisii University, Kenya.

Citation : Dr.Anthony Ichuloi, The Dynamics of Ethnic Identity Politics in Kenya's Political Landscape International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(11) : 16-31


There is an increasing convergence on the politics of negative ethnic identity in Kenya, thereby eroding the nationalistic identity of the people. My claim in this article is that Kenya is not a democratic country, but a segmented autocratic and ethnocratic nation. Kenyan politics is not about issues, ideas, or ideologies, rather are politics characterized by a negative ethnic monopoly label which generates a clash of ethnic power struggle. Politicians have strategically segmented the country in the line of ethnic tribes and tribal interests at the expense of a unified and holistic nation. Issues of national interest seem not to matter or have not been shown to matter to most senior people in the political class. The nostalgia of self-rule of preindependence is working against the self; the enemy is no longer the white colonialists, but the self-ruled; Kenya's own political class and political systems fight against her own people. However, ethnic identity politics should not be conceived of as per se negative, rather a force that can be used for a more inclusive and cohesive society. This article employs the functional theory of social analysis. This theory explains society as a body with different parts each contributing in a unique way towards its development. It underlines the relationship between the individual and society, the structure of social institutions, the role and possibility of social transformation, as well as issues such as ethnicity, social classes, etc.

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