An Educational Perspective on an Integrated Approach in Mitigating Climate Change in Mufulira
Kamukwamba Lawrence*, Kabunga Nachiyunde
Citation : Kamukwamba Lawrence*, Kabunga Nachiyunde, An Educational Perspective on an Integrated Approach in Mitigating Climate Change in Mufulira International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(10) : 19-33.
This paper explores an Educational Perspective on an Integrated Approach in Mitigating Climate Change in Mufulira. The study employed the qualitative approach and utilised questionnaires, digital audio recorders, Focus Group Discussion (FDG) and interviews with a purposively chosen sample in Butondo, Kankoyo, and Kantanshi townships. The findings revealed that the interdisciplinary nature of climate change mitigation demands funding, multi-sectoral approach, incorporation across curricula at alllevels, quality Mathematics and Science Education (MSE) and re-orientation of teacher training. Furthermore, traditional pedagogies and rote-learning methodologies must be replaced with problem-solving, inquiry-based and future-oriented learning approaches anchored in the local community. Communities should shift to alternative sources of energy such as solar, practice the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle), tree-planting, and minimising the use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides on farms. In view of the findings above, the study recommended that: funds be adequately allocated to enable the education sector produce teaching and learning materials and train teachers on climate change; networking among implementers be enhanced; policy on integration be put in place; people develop a positive attitude to the environment; traditional pedagogies/methodologies be replaced by innovative ones and everyone participate in mitigating climate change.