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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 83-91

The Effects of Visual Mapping and Science-Related Attitudes on Students' Critical Thinking Skills

Muhammad Jamhari1,Syarifuddin2,Herbert Sipahutar3

1.Postgraduate Program of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia.
2.Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia.

Citation : Muhammad Jamhari,Syarifuddin,Herbert Sipahutar, The Effects of Visual Mapping and Science-Related Attitudes on Students' Critical Thinking Skills International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(1) : 83-91


This study aimed to find out the effects of visual mapping and science-related attitudes and their interactions on students' critical thinking skills on the topic of human locomotor system at MAN 1 Tanjung Pura, Indonesia. This research applied a quasi-experimental technique, by using a pretest-posttest experimental group with factorial design. The population was the entire students of eleventh grade (XI), about 141 students, with the samples consisting of 4 classes of Science Program, namely XI-1 of 28 students taught by concept mapping, XI-2 of 39 students taught by mind mapping, XI-3 of 42 students taught by argument mapping; those are classified as experimental group and XI-4 of 32 students taught by direct instruction as control group. The results showed that the means of critical thinking pre-tests based on concept mapping (CM), mind mapping (MM), argument mapping (AM), and direct instruction (DI) were 67.36, 67.59, 67.67,and 67.53. Meanwhile the means of critical thinking post-tests were 86.54, 86.15, 86.83 and 78.03. Subsequently, the means of science-related attitudes were 72.79, 73.95, 72.40 and 70.91, respectively. From the results of the 2-Way ANOVA, it was concluded that there were significant effects of learning techniques (CM, MM, AM, and DI) on critical thinking skills in which the value of significance was 0.000 < 0.05. From the result of Levene's Test for critical thinking post-test, it was assumed that the data was homogenous, in which 0.798 > 0.05. Based on the results of Duncan's Multiple Range Test, it was obviously known that there were significant differences of critical thinking post-test scores between CM and DI, in which 86.54 > 78.03,between MM and DI, in which 86.15 > 78.03 and between AM and DI, in which 86.83 > 78.03. Furthermore, from the result of the 2-Way ANOVA, it was concluded that there were significant effects of science-related attitudes on critical thinking skills in which the value of significance was 0.040 < 0.05. From the result of the 2-Way ANOVA, it was concluded that there were interactions of learning techniques (CM, MM, AM, DI) and science-related attitudes on critical thinking skills in which the value of significance was 0.000 < 0.05. Generally, it was concluded that concept mapping, mind mapping, and argument mapping as classified into visual mapping were more effective in enhancing critical thinking skills. Science-related attitudes could literally influence students' critical thinking skills and there were also interactions between visual mapping and science-related attitudes on students' critical thinking skills.

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