Correlation between Academic Performance in Medical Technology Professional Subjects and Licensure Examination Results
Dr.Irynne D.Cabanban
Citation :Dr.Irynne D.Cabanban, Correlation between Academic Performance in Medical Technology Professional Subjects and Licensure Examination Results International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(9) : 46-51
The main thrust of the study is to determine the correlation of academic performance in medical technology professional subjects and the licensure examination results to serve as basis for a proposed InHouse Review Enhancement Program. The study will provide an avenue in strengthening identified weak areas of the medical technology course thus provide remedial measures prior to the conduct of licensure examination. The study made used of the Descriptive Correlation type of research with the use of documentary analysis as tool for data gathering. Majority of graduates demonstrated a "satisfactory" academic performance in majority of the medical technology professional subjects but licensure examination results were "barely satisfactory". A "substantial" correlation between academic performance and board examination results were noted among graduates belonging to curriculum year 2005-2006 and 2006 -2007 but a "low correlation" for those under curriculum year 2002- 2003. Chemistry and Blood banking subjects predict performances in the licensure examination. In general, academic performance in medical technology professional subjects and results of licensure examination revealed "low" to "substantial" correlation in majority of graduates who took the licensure examination from September 2006 to September 2010. Therefore, there is a need to propose an in-house review enhancement program.