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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 9, 2017, Page No: 1-7

About the Adjective Based Minimal Structures in the Poem of Dritero Agolli on the Nature, the Land and the Plants

Msc. Almira Sadikaj

Department of Albanian Language, Eqrem Cabej University, Gjirokaster

Citation :Msc. Almira Sadikaj, About the Adjective Based Minimal Structures in the Poem of Dritero Agolli on the Nature, the Land and the Plants International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(9) : 1-7


Dritero Agolli is one of the greatest poets of Albanian literature. He did not break his ties with his homeland, neither physically, nor poetically, artistically, and linguistically. He wrote dozens of poems about the natural environment he came from and wrote so simply and so clearly that he is amazinf, becoming a model and guide for others in this regard. The clarity and simplicity brought with special art, without falling into simplification and stripped of figuration, accompanied him until he wrote the last verse. The poet emphasized that "The poetry necessarily requires a figurative and original verse, a verse where the poet's individuality is felt. I'm not about simplifying poetry, for stripping it from figuration. I am for a poetry in the service of man, in the service of the advancement of society. I do not want its banalization, nor extremism without ideal..

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