Influence of Supervision Practices on the Teaching Practice Performance of Bachelor of Education Science Students: A Case of a Public University in Western Kenya
Rose Atieno Mutende
Citation :Rose Atieno Mutende, Influence of Supervision Practices on the Teaching Practice Performance of Bachelor of Education Science Students: A Case of a Public University in Western Kenya International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(8) : 51-57
This study analyses the influence supervision practices on the teaching practice performance of B.Ed Science students. The study was carried out in the Department of Science and Mathematics Education at Western University of Science Teacher Education. A total of 95 physics, chemistry and biology education students formed the study sample. Data obtained comprised of the B.Ed Science student views regarding the supervision practices, the supervisors comments on the University's Teaching Practice Assessment form and the assessment grades. When the data was analyzed, results showed a positive correlation between the supervision practices and the teaching practice performance of the B.Ed science students. Summative assessment grades were found to be lower than what the formative assessment comments suggested regarding the quality of the B.Ed Science student performance. These results raise the question of the validity of supervision and assessment as carried out by University lecturers. The results would be useful for the faculty involved in supervising and assessing B.Ed Science during teaching practice.