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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 8, 2017, Page No: 41-50

The Role of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Enhancing EFL Learners' Writing Skills

Afaf Abdelrahim Jalal Eldin Ahmed

1.Lecturer at Almughtaribeen University, Sudan.
2.Lecturer at HafrAlbatin University, Saudi Arabia.

Citation :Afaf Abdelrahim Jalal Eldin Ahmed, The Role of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Enhancing EFL Learners' Writing Skills International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(8) : 41-50


This paper focused on the role of vocabulary learning strategies in the process of foreign language acquisition. The process of learning a foreign language is an important and challenging component in foreign language students' lives due to the students' limited language exposure and opportunities to practice the language. The study has tackled the vocabulary learning strategies and their role of learning a foreign language or language acquisition; these have been explored as individual factors. The present research thus explored the possible influence of vocabulary learning strategies use and beliefs about language and language learning. Also the researcher has examined how learners tackle the problem of learning new words. He did this using a think aloud technique which allowed him to identify a number of micro-strategies. Good learners not only use more strategies, but they rely more heavily on different strategies than the ones poor learners use. However, a thorough analysis shows that neither of these two groups is homogeneous.

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