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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 7, 2017, Page No: 31-38

People's Perceptions of the Telangana Issue: A Study with Reference to the Perceptions of Students

Dr.M.Yaznasri Manikarnika

Faculty Member, Department of Mass Communication & Journalism, Yogi Vemana University Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh

Citation :Dr.M. Yaznasri Manikarnika, People's Perceptions of the Telangana Issue: A Study with Reference to the Perceptions of Students International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(7) : 31-38


The issue of Telangana is as old as human memory continues to remain intact. Telangana comprising ten districts was an integral part of Nizam State. Though India attained independence, the people of Telangana were forced to be under the tyrannical rule of Nizam. Only with patel's intervention through the army action Telangana became an integral part of Indian Union. Subsequently Telangana was merged with Andhra State leading to the formation a United Andhra Pradesh. Ever since its merger, the people of Telangana started raising their voice for the formation a separate State of Telangana.

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