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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 71-80

Study on the Factors Affecting Senior Middle School Students' Selection of Majors of Hospitality and Catering

Yi-Hsueh Shen

Instructor/Department of Hospitality Management, Jen-teh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management, Miaoli, Taiwan

Citation :Yi-Hsueh Shen, Study on the Factors Affecting Senior Middle School Students' Selection of Majors of Hospitality and Catering International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(6) : 71-80


In order to have holistic individual development, besides the intention of an individual, national education guidelines and enterprise demands must be considered in terms of national education. The selection of a school of a higher grade not only matters personal livelihood but also the survival and competition of a country, which must keep up with the times and be studied.
This study adopted Modified Delphi Method to summarize the opinions of experts, analyzed the primary and secondary influencing criteria, employed Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze samples to determine the relative weight of each criterion, and concluded the weight relationship of the factors influencing graduates of senior middle schools majoring in hospitality and catering. The results of this study show that there are five factors influencing students' selection of hospitality and catering which are interest, aptitude, parental education attitude, parents' expectations, and understanding of the work of hospitality and catering in order. The conclusion can serve as reference for educational and administrative organs, educational decision makers, post-secondary technical schools, consultation of entering a school of a higher grade, and application and academic research of curriculum planning.

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