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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 81-87

Perception of Teachers on the Role of Staff Welfare Programmes in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru Sub-County, Kenya

Francisca A. Asino

Laikipia Univesity, Nyahururu, Kenya.

Citation :Francisca A. Asino, Perception of Teachers on the Role of Staff Welfare Programmes in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru Sub-County, Kenya International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(6) : 81-87


Social welfare programmes (SWPs) have become common phenomena in Kenya today. They exist in various forms ranging from benevolent to revolving fund schemes. The aim of these programmes has been community development and to assist members in times of emergencies or financial hardships. Some SWPs have been very useful in taking care of members' interests and needs, others have turned into outfits that fleece the poor and others yet have collapsed due to poor management. This study focused on the perceptions of teachers towards the role of staff welfare programmes in public secondary schools in NakuruSub-County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study population constituted all 533 teachers in Public secondary schools in NakuruSub-County from which a sample of 223 were drawn: 89 male and 134 females. The sampling procedure entailed stratified random sampling: male and female and purposive sampling. Data was collected using teachers' questionnaire that sought information on the respondent's personal data, the management of SWPs. The instruments were pre-tested to ascertain the reliability at 0.7 level of significance. The data collected was categorized into qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data was analysed through the use of descriptive statistics mainly frequencies, means and percentages while qualitative data was analysed through a descriptive interpretation of the respondent's views. The latest version of Statistical Package for Social Sciences computer programme (SPSS) 17.0 was used in data analysis. The result findings showed that teachers in Nakuru generally perceive the SWPs to be playing an important role in catering of their needs, even though they have different perceptions about specific aspects of management and services offered.

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