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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2017, Page No: 123-129

Approaches to the Teaching of Grammar: Methods and Strategies

Arm Mahbuber Rahman1*, Md. Sumon Ahmed1

1.Department of English, Khwaja Yunus Ali University, Sirajgonj, Bangladesh

Citation :Arm Mahbuber Rahman, Md.Sumon Ahmed, Approaches to the Teaching of Grammar: Methods and Strategies International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(5) : 123-129


Every language has its grammar. Whether it is one's own mother tongue or second - language that one is learning. The grammar of the language is important. This is because acceptability and intelligibility, both in speech and in writing within as well as outside one�s own circle or group depend on the currently followed basic notions and norms of grammaticality. A knowledge of grammar is perhaps more important to a second- language learner than to a native speaker has intuitively internalized the grammar of the language whereas the second � language learner has to make a conscious effect to master those aspects of the language which account for grammaticality. It is, therefore, necessary for us, to whom English is a second � language, to learn the grammar of the language. So, without the knowledge of the grammar of a particular language, we cannot properly use the language in communication. But question may arise what should be the method and approach to the study of grammar. Several approaches have been followed through the ages for the study of English grammar. The major approaches are the traditional approach, the structural approach, the notional- functional approach and the communicative approach.

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