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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 11-22

Civil Defense as a Scientific Research Area

Dr Jan Pilzys*

The University of Szczecin, Department of Humanities, the Institute of Politics and European Studies Department of Peace Operations and Reacting in Crisis, ul. Krakowska 71/79 71-017 Szczecin.

Citation :Dr Jan Pilzys,Civil Defense as a Scientific Research AreaInternational Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(12) : 11-22.


: The subject of the research is civil defense (CD) in Poland. The author stresses that the defense of every state from military threats is one of the main problems of modern warfare. In addition, he familiarizes us with the genesis of civil defense, the main purpose of the research and the specific objectives in the following categories: cognitive, theoretical and practical. In the light of the formulated research problems and accepted limitations, the subject of the dissertation and the research hypothesis are presented, which in the diagnostic part states that the Polish civil defense is imperfect as for today. The shortcomings are visible especially in the preparation phase (planning, organization) of its potential to combat war risks. This also applies to resource management.

In order to prove the truth of the thesis, the dissertation was divided into chapters, which at the same time will constitute the implementation of tasks in the accepted research process.

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