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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 140-148

The Right to be Free from Trial: Comments on "State of Missouri V. Darren Wilson"

OU Yuanjie

Ph.D in Law, No.59 Zhongguancun Street, Renmin University,100872 Beijing,P.R.China.

Citation :OU Yuanjie, The Right to be Free from Trial: Comments on "State of Missouri V. Darren Wilson" International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(12) : 140-148


In the trial of the case of "State of Missouri v. Darren Wilson", the grand jury in the Missouri of the United States undertook tremendous pressure from the public. The grand jury finally found that there was no reasonable basis for suing the "possible defendants" and decided not to grant Prosecution, although this decision apparently will trigger a new round of controversy. In a general sense, the concept that the accused is entitled to a fair trial is already well-established, but perhaps another basic right of a citizen is of equal importance, that is the right to be free from trial. Not to prosecute or not to be judged by the court, which reflects the maintenance on the substantive interests and procedural interests of individuals. However, if there is turbulent public opinions or even "blackmailing", it is a great challenge for the court to stick to its responsibility.

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