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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 127-133

The Development of Scientific Approach-Based Interactive Learning Media of Biology on the Topic of Auditory System for High School Students

Ratna Fadhillah*, Ely Djulia, Diky Setya Diningrat

Department of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl.Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate-Indonesia (20221).

Citation :Ratna Fadhillah*, Ely Djulia, Diky Setya Diningrat, The Development of Scientific Approach-Based Interactive Learning Media of Biology on the Topic of Auditory System for High School Students International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(12) : 127-133.


This study aims to find out the level of advisability of scientific approach-based interactive learning media of biology on the topic of "Auditory System in Living Things" which was developed in line with Curriculum 2013 so that it was suitable and appropriate applied to all the students of MTs.Negeri Lubuk Pakam. The research method was based on Research and Development(R& D) adopted from Borg & Gall. The population of this study consists of six classes of the 204 eighth graders in total. The sample consists of two classes, class VIII-2 amounts 32 students treated as the experimental group and class VIII-5 amounts 32 students treated as the control group as well. The results showed that the interactive learning media were obviously suitable and appropriate to be used in learning process for the eighth students. The result of initial necessity or teacher's perception about the development of learning media showed that the average score was 4,4 and it was categorized as extremely required. The result of percentage score in average from the matter's experts on the learning media approximately 90,77% and it was categorized as extremely good and the design's experts on the learning media approximately 90% and it was categorized extremely good. The result of response estimation from five teachers was extremely appropriate about 84,8% in average.The result of individually tryout from students treated by an interactive learning media was categorized as good about 4,07 in average. The result of small group tryout from students treated by an interactive learning media was categorized as good about 4,14 in average and subsequently the result of limited group tryout from students treated by an interactive learning media was categorized as good about 4,15 in average. The result of hypotheses trial showed that the scientific approach-based interactive learning media which has been developed in line with the Curriculum 2013 on the topic of auditory system in living things and was effective applied to the eighth students in high school. The students' learning outcomes which were taught by Flash-based learning media showed that the average score was higher than taught by PowerPoint-based learning media (xA=92,42 >xB =84,69).

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