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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 11, 2017, Page No:167-169

The Applicability of Active-Participatory Methods

Nicoleta Ramona Ciobanu*

Assistant Professor, PhD, Faculty of Humanistic and Social Sciences, University of Oradea,Romania.

Citation :Nicoleta Ramona Ciobanu, The Applicability of Active-Participatory Methods International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4 (11) : 167-169.


Active-participatory methods are an important factor in creating optimum conditions for a quality education that develops the skills and skills needed for a good pupil-student-teacher dialogue. These tools of work have become indispensable in recent times, because they rely not only on the cognitive skills of learning but also on the mental and emotional ones. Active-participatory methods can help increase school performance, can even be improved as a direct application to the class in an attractive and relaxing work environment for students. Developing certain capabilities involves causing certain types of intellectual processes. Through active-participatory methods, the didactic framework must be able to create situations where children are forced to use a vast array of processes and mental operations so that they have the opportunity to use the material taught to solve the given tasks.

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