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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 10, 2017, Page No: 19-30

The Role of Parental Expectations on Career Development of Youths with Intellectual Disabilities in Selected Skills Training Institutions in Zambia

Mathatha Viola1,Ndhlovu Daniel2

School of Education, Kwame Nkrumah and University of Zambia.

Citation :Mathatha Viola,Ndhlovu Daniel, The Role of Parental Expectations on Career Development of Youths with Intellectual Disabilities in Selected Skills Training Institutions in Zambia International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(10) : 19-30


This study investigated the role of parental expectations on career development of youths with intellectual disabilities in selected skills training institutions in Zambia. The main concern that prompted this study to be undertaken between 2015 and 2017 was the lack of studies in Zambia on limitations in functional and adaptive behaviour among individuals with intellectual disabilities which ultimately affect their academic progress. The research was carried out in Kabwe, Chisamba and Ndola districts of Central and Copperbelt Provinces, Zambia. The study was a descriptive case study design. Sampling was done from a population of 390 and the sample composed of 60 respondents: 15 youths, 15 lecturers and 30 parents. Face to face semistructured interviews, observations and focus groups discussions were used as key instruments to collect data.Data analysis was done by categorising the responses into themes. Findings indicate that factors that affect parental expectations are; parental education, occupation, social economic status, and parenting style; Parents convey their expectations through discussions, role modelling and non-verbal communication. The study also showed that parental expectations influence career development through discussions, role modelling, practicing and parenting styles. The study findings further revealed that parental expectations can inhibit or enhance career development of youths with intellectual disabilities. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that parents acknowledge the immense influence they have on their children's future and use their roles to the advantage of the entire family. Further, the study recommends the need for education providers to provide information and guidance to parents in relation to intellectual disability and career options available and sensitise parents to value their availability as primary facilitators of career development of their children. There is similarly need for the government to provide appropriate supports for families of youths with intellectual disabilities.

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