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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 10, 2017, Page No: 107-115

Does Personality Affect Career Adaptability?

Mehmet Tahir Dursun1,Mehpare Tokay Argan2

1.Bilecik Seyh Edebali University- School of Applied Sciences- Tourism Management and Hospitality Department.

Citation :Mehmet Tahir Dursun,Mehpare Tokay Argan, Does Personality Affect Career Adaptability? International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(10) : 107-115


Qualified personnel candidates in the tourism sector are considered to be tourism students who study at universities. University students aim to have a good career in tourism sector after graduation and wish to maintain a successful professional life. However, students feel very much empty inside when choosing their careers after graduation and have to struggle with uncertainties. At this point, students' personality traits and career adaptabilities are significant. Relevant research suggests that career adaptabilities should not be ignored when career planning is made. This study examines the relationships between students' personality traits and career adaptabilities, of who study tourism and are considered to be the potential personnel candidates (n=245). Using survey method the data were collected from the students who were studying tourism. According to the data analysis results, the five-factor personality traits and their subdimensions were identified, and each dimension was clustered as three levels. A factor analysis was applied on the expressions of career adaptability, and four factors were found. Findings showed that students' career adaptabilities differ according to their personality traits was evaluated and significant differences were obtained.

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