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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of History and Cultural Studies
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2019, Page No: 20-29

Pedagogical Approaches and the Impact of New Technologies on Teaching African History: Between a Didactic Revolution and Imagined Communities

Jean Philippe Ntede Edongo*

University of Douala-Cameroon.

Citation : Jean Philippe Ntede Edongo, Pedagogical Approaches and the Impact of New Technologies on Teaching African History: Between a Didactic Revolution and Imagined CommunitiesInternational Journal of History and Cultural Studies 2019, 5(2) : 21-29.


This study investigates the impact of education technology in the teaching of African History. It focuses on ways in which digital technology affects teaching practices in general and especially pedagogical content. Our goal is to delineate new spheres within which history could be better studied by future generations. In a prospective approach, the study purports to envision new pathways and innovative pedagogical practices for future centuries. In this investigation, four main research areas are explored: the use of computer and digital social media within education; the use of social media and academic changes; ways in which digital social media is perceived by educators at large, and current teachings on how to use social media. The study concludes that computers must remain tools and not overtake educators. Thus, digital technology is central to teaching African history, for as long as it is used to enhance teacher's capabilities.

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