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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of History and Cultural Studies

Scope of the Journal

The scope of the Journal includes, but is not limited to:

  • Historical Analysis and Interpretation: Exploring various periods, regions, and themes in history.
  • Cultural Studies: Investigating cultural dynamics, traditions, and practices across societies.
  • Comparative History: Offering comparative views of historical events or cultural practices.
  • Archaeological Research: Uncovering and interpreting archaeological findings and their historical contexts.
  • Social History: Examining the everyday lives and social structures throughout history.
  • Political and Economic History: Analyzing the impact of political movements and economic trends over time.
  • Art History and Heritage Studies: Focusing on artistic movements, heritage preservation, and art criticism.
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches: Merging history with fields like sociology, anthropology, and geography.
  • Public History and Education: Discussing the role of history in public life and education.