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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of History and Cultural Studies
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 65-69

The Contributions of Dr. James Africans Beale Horton to the Ideals of Pan-Africanism

Dr. John Uzoma Nwachukwu

Department of History and International Studies, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.

Citation : Dr. John Uzoma Nwachukwu, The Contributions of Dr. James Africans Beale Horton to the Ideals of Pan-Africanism International Journal of History and Cultural Studies 2019, 5(1) : 65-69.


The paper notes that the fact that Pan-Africanism grew out of the resentment of people of African descent to the degrading attitude of the Whites towards them has given the impression that the protagonists would be those who hated everything about the Whiteman. The paper also notes that the bulk of the protagonists of Pan-Africanism before the twentieth century were New World Africans and that that gave the impression that until the twentieth century nobody born and bred in Africa made any contribution to the ideals of Pan-Africanism. Findings show that somebody born and bred in Africa made a significant contribution to the ideals of Pan-Africanism before the twentieth century. They also show that among the protagonists was a man who eulogized Western civilization and culture. The work made use of secondary data.

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