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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of History and Cultural Studies
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 37-55

Stretching the Hypothetically "Unstretchable" Check against Boko Haram Terrorist Recalcitrance around the Lake Chad Basin Area: A Direct Payoff for Staking the State and State Interest on the Platter of Personal Attention

Mark Bolak Funteh

PhD , Associate Professor, the University of Maroua, Cameroon, Africa.

Citation : Mark Bolak Funteh, Stretching the Hypothetically "Unstretchable" Check against Boko Haram Terrorist Recalcitrance around the Lake Chad Basin Area: A Direct Payoff for Staking the State and State Interest on the Platter of Personal Attention International Journal of History and Cultural Studies 2018 , 4(2) : 37-55


With the emergence and the scary inhumane actions perpetrated by the terrorist Islamic sect, Boko Haram (BH) around the Lake Chad Basin region, it was certain that checking and annihilating this group would be a matter of a short breath following the military might, war experience of and the security sustaining interest of the inhabitant states. But the massive individual and collective state deployments to bring the phenomenon to book seemed ineffective, hence prolonging the supposedly short fight against these terror belligerents. Many scholars attribute the protracted resistance of the sect to the "asymmetrical" nature of the war, but this assumption has been waved away by many observers and critics of the issue. New approaches to the understanding of why BH and its activities have stayed obstinate to the sophisticated international and local diplomatic and military moves have becomes unavoidable. This paper, written on the basis of published and unpublished sources - actors, observers and eyewitness's accounts for that matter - is a grass-root dimensional endeavor to the question. It provides answer to the "why" and "how" questions of citizens' treachery penchant towards the noble course against terrorism.

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