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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of History and Cultural Studies
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 90-109

Eco-Cultural Determinants and Personality Development of Children with Visually Impaired, Kumbo Central Sub-Division; North West Region of Cameroon

Tani Emmanuel Lukong1,Ph.D, Sr. Therese NyiaNjamfa2,Ph.D, Nformi Doris Jaja3

1.University of Buea and Meridian Global University (MGU), Cameroon.
2.Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC), Bamenda.
3.Master's Student, Department of Educational Psychology.

Citation : Eco-Cultural Determinants and Personality Development of Children with Visually Impaired, Kumbo Central Sub-Division; North West Region of Cameroon 2018 , 4(1) : 90-109


A child's socialization and development processes are contextual and cultural. In the typical African society, children are brought up under strict norms and belief systems. Whether a child becomes outgoing or shy, intellectually advanced or average, or energetic or subdued depends on many unique influences whose effects are difficult to predict at the child's birth. A variety of factors influences child development. Heredity guides every aspect of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and personality development. Family members, peer groups, the school environment, and the community influence how children think, socialize, and become self-aware. This descriptive survey study explored the socio-cultural determinants on personality development of visually impaired children in Kumbo central- Sub-Division. The triangulation method was used. The study was based on the framework that the proactive effects of good parent-child interaction, peer interaction and cultural respect for disabilities could help enhance personality development of visually impaired children, to stabilize their impairments, improve adherence to psychosocial treatment, and promote progress toward socialization and improvement. The study utilized 66 children/students with visual impairments with their categories ranging from mild to profound. Respondents were randomly selected from five schools, which included Baptist Rehabilitation Centre for the Blind, Government Bilingual High School Kumbo, Chaffee Memorial College Kumbo, and City College Kumbo. The students were between 12-21 years old. Data were obtained through questionnaires, non-participant observation and most importantly, focus group discussion was conducted among 48 parents of children with and without visual impairments in six sessions representing different areas and income groups. After a comprehensive research the factors that were identified as important determinants of child personality are parent's economic conditions, their education level, family size, family structure, children's socialization level, peer group, school environment, parents' involvement level in children's day-to-day activities, and cultural beliefs attribute to visual impairment. The quantitative data were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis using the chi square test to test the hypotheses. Descriptive statistics were used to present the distribution of subjects between and within subsets using frequencies, proportions and multiple response sets. The major findings obtained were: Students/children with visual impairments development of positive self-esteem relied heavily on their interaction with their parents (calculated value (x2= 103.333) was greater than the table value (x2= 32.67). Students/children with visual impairments will develop good self-efficacy if their interaction with peers is enhanced through reflective friendship (calculated value (x2= 249.09) was greater than the table value (x2= 23.68). The self-concept of Students/children with visual impairments depends on cultural respect and perception of who visually impaired children are. The calculated value (x2= 181.879) was greater than the table value (x2= 23.68)On the basis of the findings of the study, some recommendations are proposed, focusing on parents' reasonability towards child education and socialization, improving parent, teacher and children relationships. This study also highlighted and suggested areas of further research. Moreover, the role of media and other new emerging sources of mass communication should also be investigated. More studies on children's psychology give understanding to better personality development.

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