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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of History and Cultural Studies
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 47-55

The Relationship between Religion and State in Jordan: (Historical Perspective)

Hani Ahmed Shboul

Al Balqa'a Applied University, Assalt- Jordan.

Citation : Hani Ahmed Shboul, The Relationship between Religion and State in Jordan: (Historical Perspective) International Journal of History and Cultural Studies 2018 , 4(1) : 47-55


Since its establishment, the Jordanian state has been characterized as a civil, not religious in the theocratic sense. The state has not established on a religious basis, nor has its legitimacy been based on a 'religious ideology'. However, in contrast, it was not established on the basis of radical secularism, which entangles a confrontational spirit with conservative and religious trends in the society.

Jordan has maintained a 'balance' between civil and religious requirements, and preserves this trait since its inception to this time, and through generations of successive kings: Abdullah I, Talal, Hussein and Abdullah II. The country did not come out from this public line at any stage, and this balance remained a key feature of Jordan's policy.

This study aims at identifying the type of relationship between religion and state in Jordan, in other words,how the Jordanian state manages its relationship with religion.

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