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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-3 Issue-11, 2016, Page No: 32-37

Study of Undoped and V2O5 Doped Polythiophene thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique

Reena S .Futane1, V.M. Raut2,S.D.Khandare3

1.Department of Chemistry, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amaravati, India
2.Department of chemistry, VISH, Amravati, India

Citation : Reena S.Futane, V.M. Raut, S.D.Khandare, Study of Undoped and V2O5 Doped Polythiophene thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2016;3(11):32-37.


Polymeric thin films of polythiophene and with different %w/v V2O5 were fabricated by Chemical bath deposition method, Using Fecl3 as an oxidant and chloroform as a solvent. The effect of dopant on the properties of polythiophene thin film was studied. The complexation of the polymer was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) .The surface morphology was influenced by dopant.SEM images shows agglomerated nanoparticles of different shapes . XRD analysis of sample were confirmed noncrystalline for undoped PTh and crystal structure has been modified after doping by V205.TGA-DTA result indicates composites of polythiophene V2O5 which are found to be more thermally stable than pure polythiophene.

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