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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 1-12

A Preliminary Study of the Translation of English Idiomatic / Formulaic Expressions by ESL/EFL Students: As Marked and Non-Canonical Forms

Ayman Nazzal

English Department, Faculty of Humanities An-Najah University, Nablus, Palestine

Copyright :Ayman Nazzal, A Preliminary Study of the Translation of English Idiomatic / Formulaic Expressions by ESL/EFL Students: As Marked and Non-Canonical Forms International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature


Recent studies done on the translation of "idiomatic/formulaic expressions" have always concerned themselves with the type of strategies used to account for the translation of idiomatic expressions. However, the difficulties which ESL/EFL students encounter in tackling such expressions stem not only from finding the appropriate strategy but also from the complex and culture-specific nature of such expressions which seem to constitute a real challenge to both native and non-native speakers
This paper is two-folds: First, it argues for the proposition that idiomatic /formulaic expressions can potentially represent the 'marked' rather than the 'unmarked' or the 'non-canonical versus canonical ' structures in English or any language and as a result of that such expressions constitute a real challenge to ESL/EFL students. It attributes the difficulties that such expressions pose to ESL/EFL students to the peculiar nature and recurrent structure of such expressions. Second, it provides a sound rationale for ESL/EFL students' adoption of specific translation strategy over other one to account for the translation of such expressions.

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