Publishing Process

E-Book, an electronic book or a digital book is a book-publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on computers or other electronic devices. In a single word e-Book is an electronic version of a traditional print book and many e-books exist without any printed equivalent.

ARC Publications PVT LTD has instigated e-Books for its all category journals. We publish e-Books in all fields of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology etc.

Process of Publishing e-Book/ Book chapters

Preliminary Review: All submissions whether e-Books or book chapters are first considered by the Managing Editor to determine whether they are suitable by consulting members of the Editorial Board.

Contract Agreement:
Once the author’s proposal has been approved, a contract is prepared to confirm of publishing the e-Book/ Book chapter with us. This contract will include important details such as publishing date for e-Book/ Book chapter, Publication charges, copy right transfer to author and any specifications author need to consider as his/ her to prepare the work. Once the contract has been signed by author and countersigned by ARC Publications PVT LTD, we could proceed with further process of publication.

Peer Review:
The submitted e-Book/ Book chapter is assigned to our Editorial board member for review process. Our Editorial Board members are asked to provide feedback on Quality, Originality and Academic Standards of the submission. Editorial board members will give below outputs.

  1. Accept outright for immediate publication
  2. Accept subject to minor corrections
  3. Accept subject to major modification
  4. Reject

Based on the comments of Editors, author has to correct the submission and send back on time line for smooth publishing process.

ARC in House Proof-reading: After receiving final submission from author, ARC-Editorial office will proof-read it in-house. We will then send author a first copy of proofs for author’s reference. Author could suggest us with corrections or modifications.