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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 21-28

Mucoadhesive Means of Drug Delivery-An Appraise

Yirivinti Hayagreeva Dinakar

Creative educational society's college of pharmacy, Kurnool, India.

Citation : Yirivinti Hayagreeva Dinakar, Mucoadhesive Means of Drug Delivery-An Appraise ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018, 4(3) : 13-20.


Mucoadhesion is a novel way of improvising the performance of a drug so as to enhance the bioavailability, therapeutic efficiency and to reduce the frequency of administration etc. It was introduced to overcome certain problems in the field of controlled drug delivery. Bioadhesion is defined as the process in which a polymer which is natural or synthetic in nature adheres to a biological moiety. If the biological moiety is a mucous membrane it is called mucoadhesion. The current review focuses on mucoadhesion, a brief information on polymers used for mucoadhesion and the potential routes for this process.

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