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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2016, Page No: 21-27

Study of Citronella Mosquito Repellent Plants in Tubman University, Harper, Maryland County, Liberia

Thomas - Connor1 2, Adetunde2 3

1.WVS Tubman University, Harper, Maryland County, Liberia
2.College of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing
3.College of Engineering and Technology

Citation :Thomas - Connor*, Adetunde, Study of Citronella Mosquito Repellent Plants in Tubman University, Harper, Maryland County, Liberia ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016,2(2) : 21-27


Mosquito repellant plants should be of paramount importance in the present day in Africa where there is rising number of mosquito borne illnesses. Alarming increase in the range of mosquitoes in Africa is as a result of deforestation, stagnant waters, artificial containers, non-recyclableradial tires,trees holes, water drainage systems, ditches, ponds, lakes, lagoons, marshes, swamps, floodwater sites, dirty environments, industrialized farming/irrigated fields. This paper focuses on the Citronella Mosquito repellent plants, with a special reference to Tubman University environments. The present Citronella mosquito repellant plants were preferred over chemical mosquito repellents. It was observed that Citronella plants serve as retardant of mosquitos' growth where they were planted and also prevent the incidence of malaria among the residents. Mortality of Mosquitos was found to increase proportionately with increase in planted Citronella plants

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