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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015, Page No: 33-37

HIV Vaccination, Current Drawbacks and Future Perspectives

Da-Yong Lu1, Yi Lu 2, Jin-Hong Che3, Yin-Yu Che1, Bin Xu4, Jian Ding4

1.Shanghai University, Shanghai200444, PR China
2.Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai201306, PR China
3.Dazou Division, Xinghua People's Hospital, Yangzhou Medical University, Jiangsu Province, PR China
4.Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai201203, PR China

Citation : Da-Yong Lu, Yi Lu,, HIV Vaccination, Current Drawbacks and Future Perspectives ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015,1(1) : 33-37


Creating high effective and safe vaccines are always the first intuition and study of priority interests among majority virologists because many successful paradigms can be traced back for more than two hundred years. One possibility of curing HIV/AIDS is by employing effective HIV vaccines. A lot of factors can affect the identifications, assessments, verifications and smooth developments of HIV vaccines worldwide. In order to promote HIV vaccine developments and clinical HIV therapeutic achievements, this mini-review gives in depth information of this field in new era (present drawbacks and perspectives)

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