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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015, Page No: 1-4

In-Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of an Methanolic Extract of Fraxinus Micrantha

Suresh Kumar1 *,Priya Kashyap1

1. Associate Professor, University School of Biotechnology GGS Indraprastha University, Dwarka, Sector 16C, New Delhi

Citation : *Suresh Kumar, Priya Kashyap, In-Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of an Methanolic Extract of Fraxinus Micrantha ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015,1(1) : 1-4


Introduction: Inflammation is the response of living tissues towards an injury which involves a complex array of enzyme activation, mediator release and extravasations of fluid, cell migration, tissue breakdown and repair. Various anti-inflammatory synthetic drugs available in the market are of least interest due to their side effects. In the local medicines the bark infusion of Fraxinus micrantha is used for the treatment of liver enlargement and jaundice.

Aim: In the present study, the in-vivo anti-inflammatory effect of an methanolic extract of Fraxinus micrantha investigated.

Methods: The anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated using the Carrageenan-induced mice pedal (paw) oedema model.

Results: Administration of 10mg/kg of an methanolic extract of the aerial parts of Fraxinus micrantha produced significant anti-inflammatory effects against carrageenan-induced acute inflammation in mice that was comparable to one of the standard drug (Phenylbutazone) used in the treatment.

Conclusions: The present findings indicate that F. micrantha has genuine anti-inflammatory properties, lending pharmacological support to the folklore or anecdotal use of the plant in the treatment and/or management of painful inflammatory conditions

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