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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Addiction
Volume-3 Issue-2, 2018, Page No: 20-22

Stopping Sex Assault and Rape by Stopping Prurience

Samuel A. Nigro

Retired psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University School Medicine, USA.

Citation : Samuel A. Nigro, "Stopping Sex Assault and Rape by Stopping Prurience" ARC Journal of Addiction. 2018 ; 3(2) : 20-22.

Copyright : © 2018 . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Rape is the imposition of originally unplanned, unwanted sexual stimulation. Males are "raped" very easily and typically do not care until they later tend in guilt to regret being so weak and unnatural with sexual stimulation. As females become haremized by the current culture of masturbation, they too become unwitting rapists of the males as they over stimulate them. "Modesty" is forgotten. The "sexsations flooding from the press & media promote the sex assault of females by over stimulating many males. Often, after the mutual rapes are consumated, many females, like the males can in guilt regret being so weak and unnatural. This article offers words which mock non-marital, unnatural immodest sex actions so they become less stimulating, less occurring, and resulting in less rape and less sex assault. It encourages modesty and helps defuse immodesty. (Immodesty is a sexist assault against males especially, contagiously making them sexually active. Immodesty is anti-male bigotry, destructive of childhood, and a sex-assault public health hazard). Immodesty is the sexist promotion and imposition of unnatural sex usually by women, which destroys virtue of males especially, traumatizes children's brains by imposing adulthood, disrupts traditional family life by a contagious sex-maniac masturbation culture, and is a public health hazard which should be prohibited by law for the common good including the reduction of pollution ("unnatural sex" is "pollution").

Removing Prurience (1)

As Freud proved, sex (and violence) makes people crazy. Thus, everyone needs the words to reduce seductive (and imposed, which is "rape") genital mania in a culture which uses sex to create excitement, interest, advertising, entertainment, and imitation even though it is pollution against nature. In Nature, unless a biochemical mistake, sex is consistent with normal functioning and reproduction. It is not "anything/ anywhere" as humans now abuse themselves resulting in rape. In Nature, sex is certainly not an epidemic of masturbation as is the case now with humans. Until now, human cultures have always had rules to keep sex for opposite sexed adults at a time consistent with reproduction. "Marriage" was the psychosocial pheromone for humans, just as biochemical pheromones kept sex "reproductive" for subhumans (got a cat?). Be glad humans do not have biochemical pheromones because there would be no "love" between us. For humans, marital sex is "love" consistent with planetary norms for sexuality: between opposite gendered same species adults consistent with reproduction. In nature, any other sexuality is pollution for all the animals including humans (Unnatural sex does rarely occur because biochemical abnormalities happen which are basically "diseases."). To keep human sexuality consistent with Nature and Nature's God (as in the Constitution), here are the words to remove prurience for everyone's better health. Use these words whenever you see or hear about immodesty, non-marital sexual activity and the culture of masturbation:

(1) Seeing shapely buttocks, call them "anus protectors" or "bowel movement protectors"

(2) Seeing breasts presented immodestly or seductively, call them“milk, cancer, sweat, fat, pontoon, hanging, useless chest glands.”

(3) Seeing the vagina, call it a “baby blood hole which has a urine hole in front of it, a feces hole behind it and is filled with blood ¼ of the time." Call it a "cunt" too, meaning "Cesspool Under Neath Them"--Lesbians have approved the word by enjoying "cunt-fests" and harem-feminists have it in the daily vernacular by leading the audiences in singing and shouting it in the play Vagina Monologues.

(4) Seeing the penis, call it the "ud(urine director) because 99 percent of the time, the ud (nee’ penis) is used to urinate in the direction wanted by the male and should always be called the 'urine director' ('ud') instead of 'penis' (the latter word now applicable only to normal sexual intercourse).

(5) Seeing cleavage, call it "female mooning of the milk, cancer, sweat, fat, pontoon, hanging, useless chest glands."

(6) Seeing pubic hair, call it "fu-- friction absorber" so the skin is not injured during intercourse--that is "fu-----" which is all sexual intercourse outside of marriage.

(7) Seeing orgasm outside of normal intercourse, call it "masturbation or sexcretion" which is "squirting" for males and "sliming" for females outside of normal sexual functioning consistent with reproduction, and thus is unnatural and therefore "pollution". Call it "sperm/slime collecting" by "sperm/slime plumbers." Remember that sexual relief is basically selfishness or a form of natural excretion (like “wet-dreams”) which should not become enslavingways of genital manias or obsessive-compulsive disorders. Sexual squirting for men and sexual sliming for women are body excretory acts accompanying nature’s way of starting a baby—neither squirting nor sliming alone should be so important that one loses one’s identity and life because of them. Do not let sex make you crazy--Be who you are in concert with nature, otherwise you are pollution.

(8) Remember, my colleagues words as he went back to his country to find a woman to marry: "American women are really something. You can always get a hand job, a blowjob, or a quick screw--It is as significant for our relationship as my taking a leak. They are harem-feminists. I am going back find a real woman." Do not create harem feminist members. Do not be part of the local feminist harem.

(9) Remember that "Non-marital sexual activity is nothing but helping each other'go to the bathroom' ('toileting' or 'sexleting' or 'sexcreting') and that 'pornography' is nothing but public toileting and public excretion best seen as 'a bunch of dogs licking each others’rear ends'." Call non-marital sex "sperm/collecting" and those who do it "sperm/slime collectors." And always ask non-marital (un-natural) harem-feminists whether they wipe their urine and feces to or from their cunt or baby-blood hole so you know how dirty they are.

(10) Help us remember not only that “we are born between feces and urine” but that we procreate between feces and urine too—And please, God, help us remember all this so we do not become crazy about sex, any more than crazy about urinating, defecating or menstruating. Remind us that for all animals on the planet, sex is a simple biological function to create life—it is not recreation, entertainment or a game. Help us remember that the fantasy filled press and media (liar-papers and unreal-vision) culture of celebrated indecency and dishonor is actually the creation and promotion of non-being (which is also a good definition of “evil”). Remind us that for mankind, sexual activity is for unition and reproduction in a spiritual and marital relationship for family life, and that all other sexuality is sliming and squirting excretory pollution when outside of marriage, and sex has made you crazy. Help all know that almost all illnesses enter the body through the mouth and keeping ones mouth clean and healthy makes for a long life (and thus the mouth should not be used for toileting!). Help young people know that they will fall in and out of puppy-love with “broken heart” feelings many times before finding the right person to marry, so pre-marital sex is not smart but is to sell one’s self out to another when the smartest approach is to never let the other party think you care very much until there is a mutual marriage commitment—and even then to help each other “go to the bathroom” is almost always a violation of the future marriage vows and a betrayal of one’s future spouse. Help young people to know that, even though it is the best feeling in the world, “puppy luv” makes you stupid and a victim. Regardless, thank God for the sexual creativeness of our lives in marriage and Nature. And especially, thank God for making sex pleasurable, otherwise there would be no human race and we would likely not touch each other with ten foot poles. Uds and baby-blood holes are kinda nasty so close to feces, urine and blood. Help us remember that sex is sacred in marriage and that extramarital sex is excretion or satire. Help us remember that lives are created by Natural sex and lost by non-marital sex. And by practicing these ten messages, you will be less likely to be made crazy by sex and can help others also. You will not be manipulated by or kidnapped by the dirty old men, the gay genital maniacs, the harem-feminists, and the abortionists (who make money because of unnatural sex) all of whom are in charge of the press & media (2).

(11) Finally, do not stimulate the genitals to calm screaming babies, especially boys. It creates abnormal brain development of over-sexualization and will likely make them obsessive about sex when grown up.

1. Soul of the Earth by Samuel A. Nigro, MD

2. How to deal with the polluting press & media:

Ten Mantras For The Press And Media

(1) The press and media are unreliable about anything that is important and they make you a voyeur of non-being because most of it is untrue, except the weather forecasts. (2) Celebrities, newscasters, news reporters and moviemakers are fakes; it takes them hours to prepare for the role they will play. Celebrities are fakes unworthy of imitation. (3) Do not be suggestible, remembering that people imitate what they see (from running around naked to killing people), repeat what they hear, and buy what they are told to buy from junk stuff to junk ideas—so do not be gullible by believing the press and media which are nothing but flickering lights and ink-smudged nonsense. (4) The press and media are frauds: they preach free speech but censor more than anyone; they claim tolerance but suppress all with which they do not agree; they proclaim equality but do not present fairly and equally all points of view; and they pretend diversity except for people and ideas not in agreement. (5) That is not me! That is not me! That is not me! (A special mantra to be said continuously while watching television, movies and the internet). Whatever you did already this morning was informationally more than all other molecular accumulations for billions of miles and billions of years so you are special as life is special— Donot let the press and media influence you and thereby ruin it all. (6) Sex in all nature is to make babies and/or create family in the most developmentally favorable circumstances possible which, for humans, means a marriage between a man and a woman. (7) God is. He does not like sin. You have to have your sins forgiven and suffer to recompress to before the Big Bang to be with Him. Sinning is less if you do not believe the press and media about anything. (8) The people of the press and media do not include, believe, understand, accept, reflect, represent, portray or care about the common man (male or female) regardless of what claimed. They are mostly traitors to the Founders of America and their Ten Commandments. They will never tell what they do not want the public to know. And you should never tell their pollsters the truth. The press and media are Satan’s way of giving information. They want to kidnap your mind.

(9) You will never learn anything worth believing about the Roman Catholic Church from novels, movies, or the press and media.

(10) The press and media are the biggest frauds, liars, and tyrants ever to exist in the world. The press and media are run by dirty old men, gay cult genital maniacs, harem-feminists, serial rapists, and abortionis.