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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 19-25

Gateball Sports and the Forming of Students' Characters

Mesnan*, M. Irfan, Rosmaini Hasibuan

Lecturer in Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia.

Citation : Mesnan*, M. Irfan, Rosmaini Hasibuan, Gateball Sports and the Forming of Students' Characters International Journal of Sports and Physical Education 2019 ,5(1) : 19-25.


Gateball sports is one of the new sports developed in Indonesia, especially North Sumatera. The Faculty of Sports Sciences at Medan State University began to develop sports in 2013. As a new sport, research needs to be conducted on various aspects related to this sport. Therefore this study aims to describe the relationship between gateball sports and student character formation. The data of this study are 20 a student taking a gateball course. This study uses an approach qualitative naturalistic which means that research has an actual background as a direct source data and researchers are key instruments. Research is done by doing observation during the lecture period and giving questionnaires. The results of the study show that affective aspects are very prominent due to gateball sports. And this thing impact on lecture activities that occur in students, namely: (1) attendance, (2) activity in learning, (3) responsibility, (4) discipline, (5) caring towards friends, (6) taking time to read, (7) prioritizing discussion, (8) trusteeship, (9) has mature maturity, and (10) has a communication style polite. Thus it can be concluded that gateball sports can form aspects affective in students.

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