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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 1-7

Physical Activity Prescription for Chronic Diseases: Knowledge of Healthcare Professionals in Hospital Setting

Dr. Getu T

Department of Sports Science, Debremarkos University, Ethiopia.

Citation : Dr. Getu T, Physical Activity Prescription for Chronic Diseases: Knowledge of Healthcare Professionals in Hospital SettingInternational Journal of Sports and Physical Education 2018 ,4(2) : 1-7


Introduction: Physical inactivity is a fast-growing public health problem and contributes to a variety of chronic diseases and health complications. In addition to improving a patient's overall health, increasing physical activity has proven effective in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases.

Aim: The aim of this study is to describe the knowledge and attitude of Ethiopian, particularly Addis Ababa's healthcare professionals on exercise prescription.

Methods: A cross-sectional self-administered questionnaire was adapted and developed according to guidelines from literature to assess the knowledge of healthcare professionals' physical activity prescription. The questionnaire was completed by a total of 387 HCPs from422 sample healthcare professionals in7 government hospitals in Addis Ababa. The outcomes measures include the demographic information, interest of training, educational preparation regarding exercise prescription, role of healthcare professionals on exercise prescription as well as their Knowledge regarding recommendation and formulation of exercise prescriptions were also assessed.

Results: Respondents prescribe PA for a variety of reasons: promote general wellbeing (24.8%), treat chronic diseases( 19.3%), prevent chronic diseases( 17%), and to control patients weight(38.9%). The most common methods that the HCPs' used to PPA was discuss with patients about PA (68.2%). Only 39.3% of HCPs were received educational preparation to counsel their patients on PA, the area that most commonly received were: health benefits of PA (47.8%). There was a significant difference about educational preparation in relation to PAP among HCPs. About 95% of healthcare professionals reported that they would like in obtaining training related to PAP. Regarding knowledge of healthcare professionals to PPA, indicates that low level of knowledge. Perhaps the result of this study indicates that there is a significance difference regarding to knowledge to prescribe PA for their patients among HCPs. Most of healthcare professionals recommend walking type of PA to their patients(42.9%).

Conclusion: The results of this study indicates that healthcare professionals have insufficient knowledge to prescribe physical activity and they have less preparation about physical activity prescription in their educational program. This study findings show that a need for trainings in related to physical activity prescription/counseling for HCPs.

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