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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 1-3

The Stress in the Relationship between Rider and Horse in Initial Training Equestrian Sport

Yuri Valev PhD

Department of Technical and Ice Sports, "Equestrian Sport" Sector, National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", 1700 Sofia, Studentski Grad.

Citation : Yuri Valev, The Stress in the Relationship between Rider and Horse in Initial Training Equestrian SportInternational Journal of Sports and Physical Education 2018 ,4(1) : 1-3


The stress in the relationship between rider and horse in initial training equestrian sport: With urbanization of society, hypodynamia of the rising generation, increase of the number of people with extra weight and unhealthy way of life more and more people in Bulgaria show keen interest in horse riding. In contrast to many other sports the initial training for horse riding may lead to experience of stress which impedes the training process and can even make the student withdraw. In this article we have tried to draw and systematize from the theory and practice the potential factors which may cause stress situations. An examination has been implemented which is designed to define the strength - "weight' of the fear reactions at different factors within the target groups for initial training. There is a developed methodological approach and exercises for getting over the stress impact.

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