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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 1-6

Use of Burpees in Combat Sports Conditioning Training - A Pilot Study

Luboslav Siska1,Jaroslav Brodani2

1.Department of physical education and sport, Faculty of education, Constantine the philosopher Universit in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 1, 94974 Nitra, Slovak Republic.

Citation :Luboslav Siska,Jaroslav Brodani, Use of Burpees in Combat Sports Conditioning Training - A Pilot Study International Journal of Sports and Physical Education 2017,3(4) : 1-6


The aim of our work was to design a specific endurance test, identical in duration to the boxing competition (3 x 3 min) and develop an assessment methodology. The essence of the test was to do one repetition of the Burpee at regular intervals triggered by a visual signal, which was signaled every 3 seconds using the FiTRO agility system. In this way, the athlete carried out 35 burpees in one round (3 min.), i.e. 105 burpees throughout the duration of the test. In terms of assessment, we measured the individual burpees in milliseconds (ms) along with the drop of performance, which was reflected by an increase in time as a percentage value. The intensity of load was monitored through heart rate and blood lactate. The average duration of a burpee was 1960.4 ms in the first round, 2050.2 ms in the second round and 2207.4 ms in the third round, and we also identified statistically significant differences in the mean values between the retries in each round (p < .01). The decrease in performance (index of fatigue) was 7.54% in the first round, 15.29% in the second round at 17.52% in the third round, and the total was 22.28%. The maximum heart rate reached 164 bpm, representing 93.18% of the maximum value. The level of lactate in the 4th minute after the load was 14.1 mmol and it dropped to 8.6 mmol 15 minutes after the load. We managed to create a short exercise program that can be used as a training and diagnostic tool. The decrease in performance, which is noticeable in a real match, was also demonstrated during the test. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a deeper analysis of the relationship of the possible better results in the test as a determining factor of success in the match.

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