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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Sports and Physical Education
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 11-17

Using the MAP-IT Framework for Implementing a Homeschool Physical Education Program at a University Campus

Matthew T.Buns1,Cherie Pettitt2,Jedediah Blanton3

1.Matthew T.Buns is an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Health Science at Concordia University,St.Paul.
2.Cherie Pettitt is an Assistant Professor of Human Performance at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
3.Jedediah Blanton is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Psychology at University of TennesseeKnoxville.

Citation :Matthew T.Buns, Cherie Pettitt,Jedediah Blanton, Using the MAP-IT Framework for Implementing a Homeschool Physical Education Program at a University Campus International Journal of Sports and Physical Education,2017;3(2):11-17


Universities are actively seeking new ways to provide meaningful field experience opportunities. According to the National Home Education Research Institute (2010), homeschooling has grown from nearly extinct in the United States in the 1970's to now over 2 million school-aged students. Thus, on-campus homeschool physical education programs serve as a viable mechanism for supplementing physical education teacher education (PETE) program requirements while providing valuable physical education opportunities to homeschooled students. The purpose of this article is to describe the MAP-IT Framework (American College Health Association, 2012) for the design and implementation of a contemporary on-campus homeschool physical education program. This guide is intended for PETE instructors who are considering initiating an oncampus homeschool physical education program. The MAP-IT framework has been used to plan and evaluate public health interventions to achieve community health objectives and offers a strong outline for PETE instructors to create an effective and sustainable on-campus homeschool physical education program.

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