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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research
Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 25-33.

Problem of Multiflow with Application in the Road Transportation Network Exploited by Transco Company in Kinshasa City

Fernand Mamanya Tapasa1, Rostin Mabela Makengo Matendo2

1. Faculty of Science /Department of Mathematics and Computer Science / National Pedagogical University (UPN), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
2 Faculty of Science /Department of Mathematics and Computer Science /Division University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),

Citation :Fernand Mamanya Tapasa, Problem of Multiflow with Application in the Road Transportation Network Exploited by Transco Company in Kinshasa City International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research 2017,5(6) : 25-33.


This article deals with the problem of maximal multiflow and applies it on the Kinshasa city transportation network exploited by the transport company called "Transco". It aims to determine additional equipment which permits the company to accomplish itself the trafic in the actual network. The two kinds of buses used by this company have been selected in the study as the two types of products moving in the system. The capacity of a one-way road (500 vehicles per hour) has been taken as the maximal capacity of each road band. The linear program obtained is solved by means of the "Linear Program Solver" software and the results show that the company covers now about 1.25 % of the flow in the network. Thus, we end the study showing additional equipment which allows the company to assure itself the transport in the network.

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