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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 7-11

Antibacterial Activity of and Phytochemical Components of Calotropis Procera (Ait) used in Management of Measles Complications

Nafi'u A.1*, Hauwa'u B. A.1, Adili S. I.2, Maryam M. T1., Mustapha G.1, Mustapha S. W.3, Nahantsi M. S2

1.Department of Microbiology, Sokoto State University, Sokoto Nigeria.
2.Department of Biology, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto Nigeria.
3.Department of Forestry, College of Agriculture and Animal Science, Wurno, Sokoto Nigeria.

Citation : Nafi'u A,, Antibacterial Activity of and Phytochemical Components of Calotropis Procera (Ait) used in Management of Measles Complications International Journal of Research Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology 2018, 4(4) : 7-11.


: The study was conducted to determine the activity of Calotropis procera in management of measles complications and phytochemical analysis using different solvents. Samples of the leaves and latex were collected in a sterile polythene bag and test tube which were extracted for antibacterial activity. The activity was determined against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Psedomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhiin well diffusion method. Leave extract of aqueous solvent was found to be effective against S.aureus while the latex of aqueous and chloroform solvents exhibited the same diameter zone of inhibition which have highest clearance against tested organisms. The preponderanceof the organisms were susceptible to Calotropis procera leaves and latex with varying degrees for aqueous extracts against S. aureus (leaves 12mm, and latex 7.5mm) S.typhi (leaves 8mm and latex 7mm) E. coli ( leaves 10mm and latex 7.5mm), P aeruginosa (latex 8mm) for ethanol extract against S. aureus (leaves 7mm, and latex 5mm) S.typhi (leaves 13mm and latex 15mm) E coli ( leaves 9mm and latex 12mm), P aeruginosa (leave 7.5mm and latex 5.0mm), and for chloroform extract against S. aureus (leave negative, and latex 10mm) S.typhi (leaves 9.1mm and latex negative) E. coli ( leaves 9mm and latex 9mm), P aeruginosa (leave 12.5mm and latex 10mm). The phytochemical screening revealed there is presence of alkaloids, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids and cardiac glycosides. The presence of these chemical constituents in this plant is an indication that plants when properly screened using additional solvent could yield drugs of pharmaceutical significance.The ethanol extractof Calotropis procera is significantly greater than the other two solvents, therefore the result obtain provide a support for the use of Calotropis procera leaves and latex in traditional medicine.

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