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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 1-9

Purification and Molecular Cloning of Cytotoxin Associated Gene (Caga) from Helicobacter Pylori Strains Isolated from Clinical Samples

Khamael Arif Mahdi al Challabi1*, Dr. Abbas Shaker Jwad al Muhanna2, Malla Sudhakar3

1.Research scholar.
2.Professor of Microbiology; Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research University of Kufa Faculty of Science.
3.Dept of Biotechnology, Indian Academy Degree College, Bangalore.

Citation : Khamael Arif Mahdi al Challabi, Dr. Abbas Shaker Jwad al Muhanna, Malla Sudhakar, Purification and Molecular Cloning of Cytotoxin Associated Gene (Caga) from Helicobacter Pylori Strains Isolated from Clinical Samples International Journal of Research Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology 2018, 4(3) : 1-9


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are spiral, gram negative, microaerophilic bacteria which aids in the pathogenesis of gastric and duodenal cancers. Its vast invasiveness and repeated gaining of antibiotic resistance has become troublesome for the scientific community. These strains harbour the intestinal walls via many anchor proteins and virulence factors. One of such is (cytotoxin associated gene) cagA which is found be the major factor for the pathogen in linking to the intestinal wall. The present study was designed to isolate and purify the cagA gene from the clinical samples and to clone the gene into bacterial strains which can be used in the development of novel peptide vaccines. The cagA gene was purified and cloned into DH5a strain and confirmed for the presence of gene of insert using the restriction enzymes. The study was further planned to express the desired peptide fragments of the cagA protein into an expression vector for designing a novel peptide vaccine.

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