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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, Page No: 17-21

Impact of Climatic Variation on Parasitic Infections - Short Review

Sonu Kumari Agrawal

1.Department of Microbiology, All India Institue of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.

Citation :Sonu Kumari Agrawal, Impact of Climatic Variation on Parasitic Infections - Short International Journal of Research Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology 2017,3(3) : 17-21.


Climate variability have been shown to exert rising cases of parasitic infections in humans. Both natural phenomenon and human interventions can lead to Climate change and environmental disturbances. Through natural condition or human interventions alter the environmental conditions and parasites and their vectors in which they develop and transmit the diseases. Multifactorial conditions such as deforestration, urbanisation, water control projects, bodies of water in disrupted area, globilisation and natural condition (Floods, Earth quake, Tsunami) can singly or in combination can lead to ecological disturbances, survival of parasites, their spread and in turn incidence of parasitic infections. The cited climatic parameter affect breeding and development of specific parasite and host and their transmission pattern of diseases. Therefore, improved surveillance and monitoring is needed so that one should make better use of early warning information to make early action towards epidemic preparedness due to ecological disturbances. The leaders of health sector must stand hand in hand with climate negotiators to confront climate change. Further, leaders from government, private sectors and civil society are encouraged to take action towards climatic change.

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