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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 7-16

Security and Privacy of Identity Information in Cloud Computing

Shikha1, Dr.Vijay Kumar Tiwari1

1.Department of computer science & Engineering, Centre for Advance Studies, AKTU Luck now, India.

Citation : Shikha,Dr.Vijay Kumar Tiwari, Security and Privacy of Identity Information in Cloud Computing International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2018, 5(2) : 7-16


Cloud computing grants to storing and accessing data and program over the internet instead of yours computer's hard drive. Cloud computing allows the user to use services on a utility-like basis and support business processes. It offers a heterogeneity of "users" and resources due to also formation risks for data privacy and danger of multiple, collaborative threats.

In cloud computing, entities or user's may have multiple accounts associated with a single or multiple service providers (SPs).Sharing sensitive identity information along with associated attributes of the same entity across services can lead to mapping of the identities to the entity, equable to privacy loss. Identity management (IDM) is one of the core components in cloud privacy and security. Available solutions are either use trusted third party (TTP) in identifying entities to Service provider's or independent of TTP(untrusted hosts.)

The approach is based on the use of predicates over encrypted data and multi-party computing for consort a use of a cloud service. active bundle scheme-which is a middleware agent that includes PII data, privacy policies, a virtual machine that enforces the policies, and has a set of protection mechanisms to protect itself. An active bundle interacts on behalf of a user to authenticate to cloud services using user's privacy policies.

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