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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 29-32

Location Based LED Control Using Arduino and the Signal Strength of Wifi

Rahul Raikwar

Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Computer Engineering, College of Engineering,Pune, India

Citation :Rahul Raikwar, Location Based LED Control Using Arduino and the Signal Strength of Wifi International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2017,4(1) : 29-32


Now-days, wireless technology has grown widely in every field. They have become part of our daily home scenarios to improve the quality of life by obtaining information about environment, energy consumption etc. The world today uses different technologies like Radio Frequency (RF), Infrared (IR), Bluetooth, Zigbee and WiFi. These technologies have different advantages like feasibility, easy accessibility, scalability etc. In oday's scenario, we make use of modern household appliances like LED lights, microwave, televisions etc.Different techniques are introduced so as to reduce the effort required in controlling these appliances. An effort is being made to enable the user to control the LED light remotely. An Arduino Uno board with microcontroller ATMega 328 is used for controlling the LED. The LED is connected to the Wifi module ESP 8266. The signal strength of wifi is measured using RSSI (Received signal strength indication). This signal strength is received on the android application in the smart phone. The different signal strengths received are compared and the LED connected to the Wifi with highest value of signal strength is controlled at any instant of time.

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